Low FODMAP Bircher Muesli

Vegan Low FODMAP Bircher Muesli

A brilliant breakfast that’s quick, easy and one of the most delicious Low FODMAP Bircher Muesli recipes packed with nutrients!

The first time I ever tried Bircher muesli was on the tropical island of Langkawi (ah – bliss). We stayed in the beautiful Meritus Pelengi Hotel and were ridiculously spoiled by the vast array of breakfasts from around the world at the international buffet. There was the choice Chinese, Thai, Japanese, English, German and Malaysian (of course). However, this was before I had been formally diagnosed with IBS, nor colonic inertia. Traditionally Bircher muesli is made with shredded apple and honey which meant I suffered from a terrible tummy after. But fear not lovelies, I have adapted the recipe to be super safe for us anti-FODMAPers and get you geared up for the day ahead.

The Gut Enchanting Story Behind Bircher Muesli

Maximilian Bircher-Benner was a Swiss doctor and nutritionist and like many health practitioners, he passionately encouraged his patients to incorporate more fruit into their diet. He lived by promoting a balanced diet of raw fruits and veggies to heal his patients and was considered one of the first scientists to believe food could be used to keep the body healthy. He was hugely popular and directly change the eating habits of 19th-century people.

120 years on and Bircher Muesli still considered a strong and healthy breakfast with its fresh taste, filling fibre and good amounts of energy, vitamins and probiotics.

Here’s my Low FODMAP version, enjoy :)

Great For

  • Energy
  • A good source of probiotics
  • Digestion
  • Vitamins
  • Vegans


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